Thursday, August 12, 2010

Random Association : Exercise

Situation/ Problem

To create "SCARY IMAGES or OBJECT" that will instill fear among people through out the ages.


Sharp : has sharp teeth and nails.

In practice What might this mean?

The scary image has sharp teeth that can bite and peel of human's skin. It also has sharp nails to scratch and hurt humans.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Random Word/ Image Association

Today we learned about an interesting topic in the class. Its about random word/image association. Mr. Radzi Bedu gave the lecture.Random association is an idea generation method which allow us to come up with new ideas through a fixed formula. We did an exercise in the class associated with this topic. It was fun. Its about solving a problem using keywords of an image. We were given a image of a cat and were asked to draw a scary image using the keywords that we can create through the image of the cat.

I hope that all the classes are as fun as this class. I prefer if lecturers involve us in the lecture. It makes class more interesting and fun. I would able to understand better this way than just reading the slides.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Exploration on Analog Metaphor

Love is like a cili. It looks nice outside but once you try it, you'll regret it.Happiness is like a time. It wont stay forever.
Men have body as strong and rough as a mortar.

Juxtaposition 2

Examples of juxtaposition:

This picture is a modern building and a old building build side by side.


This picture shows a grey and green chinese roof; creating a contrast.

This picture shows fresh egg in the background and a single golden egg in the middle; emphasizing on the golden egg. It is a juxtaposition.

Source :


According to the lecture. Juxtaposition is placing two variable side by side and their contrast or similarity is shown through comparison. Many creative processes rely on juxtaposition. In literature and film, juxtaposition is the placing of two opposing character, ideas or objects side by side or in similar narratives for effect. According to wikipedia, Random juxtaposition is two random objects moving in parallel, a technique intended to stimulate creativity.