Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Novelty, Creativity, Innovation and Invention...

Today I learned about Novelty, Creativity, Innovation and Invention. First of all, creativity is the ability to generate new ideas or to combine existing ideas into a new way. In other words creativity is creating new and unique ideas. On the hand, innovation is idea selection, development and commercialization. We often get confused with creativity and innovation. Creativity is the process of coming up with ideas whereas innovation is the process of turning the ideas into practical reality.
Inventions are the process and novelty is the quality of being new. In order to create a quality design, a designer should have all this values. As a designer, we should consider the practicality of an idea before inventing something new. I understand that creativity alone is not important in generating new, whereas thinking about the practically is equally important in producing good product or design.

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