Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Defining Creativity

Today the lecturer gave a lecture about creativity. The title is "Defining Creativity". I have learnt that being creative is not hard. Creativity can be nurtured and not just by nature. Besides, I also learnt that creativity is :

a) An ability- is the ability to imagine or invent something new. Just like George Bernard Shaw said, "Imagination is the beginning of creation". Therefore, to be creative we must be able to imagine.

b)An attitude- is the ability to accept changes and willingness to play with ideas and possibilities.

c) A process- willingness to improve ideas by gradually altering the work.

Personally, I think as a designer we need to be creative in communicating with our audience because only unique designs attract the audience. Therefore, I think it is essential to be creative and producing creative idea.

As for the lecture, I hope that more examples and visuals can be added in the slides so that it can be eye catching and interesting to learn.

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