Thursday, August 12, 2010

Random Association : Exercise

Situation/ Problem

To create "SCARY IMAGES or OBJECT" that will instill fear among people through out the ages.


Sharp : has sharp teeth and nails.

In practice What might this mean?

The scary image has sharp teeth that can bite and peel of human's skin. It also has sharp nails to scratch and hurt humans.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Random Word/ Image Association

Today we learned about an interesting topic in the class. Its about random word/image association. Mr. Radzi Bedu gave the lecture.Random association is an idea generation method which allow us to come up with new ideas through a fixed formula. We did an exercise in the class associated with this topic. It was fun. Its about solving a problem using keywords of an image. We were given a image of a cat and were asked to draw a scary image using the keywords that we can create through the image of the cat.

I hope that all the classes are as fun as this class. I prefer if lecturers involve us in the lecture. It makes class more interesting and fun. I would able to understand better this way than just reading the slides.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Exploration on Analog Metaphor

Love is like a cili. It looks nice outside but once you try it, you'll regret it.Happiness is like a time. It wont stay forever.
Men have body as strong and rough as a mortar.

Juxtaposition 2

Examples of juxtaposition:

This picture is a modern building and a old building build side by side.


This picture shows a grey and green chinese roof; creating a contrast.

This picture shows fresh egg in the background and a single golden egg in the middle; emphasizing on the golden egg. It is a juxtaposition.

Source :


According to the lecture. Juxtaposition is placing two variable side by side and their contrast or similarity is shown through comparison. Many creative processes rely on juxtaposition. In literature and film, juxtaposition is the placing of two opposing character, ideas or objects side by side or in similar narratives for effect. According to wikipedia, Random juxtaposition is two random objects moving in parallel, a technique intended to stimulate creativity.

Associated Mind Map

Here are some mind maps that i find interesting and creative.

This mind map is very creative and attractive for me because they have made think mind map like a game board. I find it creative.

I like this mind map because they have used more pictures rather than words. It is interesting and easily understandable.

I like this mind map because they have beautifully linked all the words and pictures. The pictures are not direct but its a metaphor of the word; which i think is creative.

Method of creative thinking 2

This is a simple mind map about myself. I have stated my aim, dreams, likes and my hates in the mind map. This exercise had made me think about what i actually like and need in my life. I took some time to actually sort the things i want in my life and the things I don't want in my life. I have also used rose to represent myself as a soft and delicate person. This exercise is really effective because i got to know about myself and helps me to realize my dreams in my life. After this, i will lead my life in achieving my dreams.

Method of creative thinking.

Mind map is a tool of brainstorming and generating rough ideas. A creative mind map is a mind map that able to stimulate and create interest to the people who view it.

There are two types of mind map. One is logical mind map and another is associated mind map. According to the lecture, logical mind map is directly connected to stereotypes. Stereotypes is a general categorization that is given to a specific group of people. For an example, russians are always portrayed as the mobs or the mafia in media but in real not all russians are mobs or the mafia. Stereotypes can be true and false. In simple words, in logical mind map are every word or image within the mind map is directly related to the main subject. Associated mind map uses random words and has no connection between the words.

Novelty, Creativity, Innovation and Invention 3

I found this article on Creativity and Innovation in R&D by David Tanner, PhD. He has written this article on creative thinking technique and its application. I find this article interesting because he has mention that creative thinking should be implemented in the business organisation so that the innovation process can be accelerated. According to him, there are few techniques of creative thinking and it is vital for everyone to set aside time to learn the techniques.

His techniques of creative thinking are:

1) lateral thinking : 2) metaphoric thinking; 3) positive thinking; 4) questioning conventional wisdom; and 5) capturing and interpreting dreams

Novelty, Creativity, Innovation and Invention 2

Console Shelves

This is an example of an image that contains all the elements ( novelty,creativity,innovation and invention). This is a book shelve plus a rest chair. It is creative and innovative in the sense of the designer has created the rest chair in a way that is attached to the book shelve. It also shows novelty because it is something new and unique. There is no book shelve made in this way. The designer has been creative and innovation and inventing this unique book shelve.

Novelty, Creativity, Innovation and Invention...

Today I learned about Novelty, Creativity, Innovation and Invention. First of all, creativity is the ability to generate new ideas or to combine existing ideas into a new way. In other words creativity is creating new and unique ideas. On the hand, innovation is idea selection, development and commercialization. We often get confused with creativity and innovation. Creativity is the process of coming up with ideas whereas innovation is the process of turning the ideas into practical reality.
Inventions are the process and novelty is the quality of being new. In order to create a quality design, a designer should have all this values. As a designer, we should consider the practicality of an idea before inventing something new. I understand that creativity alone is not important in generating new, whereas thinking about the practically is equally important in producing good product or design.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Defining Creativity 2

This is a picture of my friend Lai Yee. We were told to create a creative image of a friend. Likewise, my friend has to create an image for me as well.

In this picture, I have edited the picture as though my friend is carry a mountain. I also used words like "Ripley's Believe It or Not" and "Warning" to make the picture funny and interesting.

Defining Creativity

Today the lecturer gave a lecture about creativity. The title is "Defining Creativity". I have learnt that being creative is not hard. Creativity can be nurtured and not just by nature. Besides, I also learnt that creativity is :

a) An ability- is the ability to imagine or invent something new. Just like George Bernard Shaw said, "Imagination is the beginning of creation". Therefore, to be creative we must be able to imagine.

b)An attitude- is the ability to accept changes and willingness to play with ideas and possibilities.

c) A process- willingness to improve ideas by gradually altering the work.

Personally, I think as a designer we need to be creative in communicating with our audience because only unique designs attract the audience. Therefore, I think it is essential to be creative and producing creative idea.

As for the lecture, I hope that more examples and visuals can be added in the slides so that it can be eye catching and interesting to learn.

Introduction to Creative Studies 2

Hand Painting

This picture shows an image of a professor painted on a hand. I find this picture creative because the image was painted cleverly on the hand and it resembles the body and the face of a professor.

Spaghetti Bale by Pablo Reinoso

I find this image creative because it is unique and different. It looks as if the bench is made up of spaghetti.


Friday, July 2, 2010

Introduction to Creative Studies

Creative is an ability to produce new ideas which are different from others . Its a new way of seeing things. It is also a process of solving problems in a different way. As a designer, I must produce my ideas in a different way. In this subject( Creative Studies) I am about to learn the creative thinking and problem solving method. I am to understand that design is basically influenced by environment, social and cultural aspect. I hope that through this subject I can communicate through my design effectively and professionally. I also hope that I will learn new ways of projecting my idea and I will produce my design in a different way. I will be able to think out of the box and also different from other designers.